March, 2005

Easter cookie party

Easter Cookie Party

Easter is a time for celebration with family and friends! The Hinz and Banks families and our friend Adrian joined us for a fun party that included decorating cookies and an Easter egg hunt - with a modern twist!

The Easter eggs were hidden with care by Brad ahead of the party and their GPS coordinates were noted. Then each of the kids was given the GPS device and the coordinates for their egg. Each one in turn used the device to "hone in" on their egg! Fun!

The Hinz and Banks families have been great friends these past seven or eight years. We have enjoyed our frequent get togethers with them both. Adrian has also endeared himself to our family through these past years.

Thank you all for sharing our Easter cookie party!

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Easter party Easter party Easter party Easter party Easter party Easter party Easter party Easter party Easter party Easter party Easter party Easter party

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